County Clerk and Recorder

Duties & Responsibilities

The Coun­ty Clerk records coun­ty board meet­ing min­utes, res­o­lu­tions and ordi­nances, pub­li­cizes Coun­ty Board meet­ings, issues Coun­ty licens­es, main­tains records and issues cer­tifi­cates of vital sta­tis­tics, reg­is­ters vot­ers, con­ducts elec­tions, files cam­paign dis­clo­sure and state­ments of eco­nom­ic inter­est, reg­is­ters notary publics, and reg­is­ters assumed busi­ness names. The Coun­ty Clerk is respon­si­ble for record­ing and main­tain­ing per­ma­nent, pub­lic record of all real estate trans­ac­tions in Massac Coun­ty. Land records in this office date from 1818 to the present and vital records date from 1878 to present. It is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Coun­ty Clerk to serve the pub­lic and uphold the law by fol­low­ing the applic­a­ble statutes of the State of Illi­nois.


Lare­do is account-based search­ing tool for users who access land-record doc­u­ments on a reg­u­lar basis with sev­er­al sub­scrip­tion pack­ages to choose from. To sign up for a sub­scrip­tion, please con­tact the Massac Coun­ty Clerk’s Office at (618)524-5213 or If the doc­u­ments need­ed are not avail­able online, please con­sid­er send­ing your request through Offi­cial Records Online (ORO).

Official Records Online

Offi­cial Records Online (ORO) allows the pub­lic to request cer­ti­fied and uncer­ti­fied vital records over the inter­net (birth, death, and mar­riage doc­u­ments). This will be espe­cial­ly help­ful as res­i­dents must have cer­tain vital records in order to obtain a REAL-ID.

Property Fraud

Accord­ing to the FBI, Prop­er­ty and Mort­gage Fraud is the fastest grow­ing white-col­lar crime. It can be as sim­ple as some­one record­ing a fraud­u­lent doc­u­ment in the Coun­ty Land Records office, mak­ing it look as though they now own your home or prop­er­ty.

To address these con­cerns, your Massac Coun­ty Land Records office has teamed up to cre­ate a noti­fi­ca­tion ser­vice that will help you com­bat the effects of Land fraud and oth­er sim­i­lar fraud­u­lent activ­i­ties. Click below for more infor­ma­tion.


Deputy Recorder — Ashley Bennett

Deputy Clerk — Kristina Boyd

County Clerk — Hailey Miles

Chief Deputy — Stephanie Johnson


Monday – Friday:
8:00AM – 4:00PM (CLOSED 12:00-1:00 FOR LUNCH)



1 Superman Square
Metropolis, IL 62960

Contact Information

Phone: 618-524-5213
Fax: 618-524-8514



Recording Fees

  • Standard Flat Fee Size — $93.00
  • Legal Flat Fee Size — $109.00
  • Plats — $108.00
  • Certified Real Estate Records Copies — $10.00

Recording Fees

  • Marriage License — $75.00
  • Certified Birth — $9.00
  • Each Additional — $6.00
  • Certified Death — $15.00
  • Each Additional — $10.00
  • Certified Marriage — $9.00
  • Each Additional — $6.00
  • Military Discharge(DD214) — FREE
  • Copies Per Page — $0.25