Massac County Commissioners


The role of a county commission in local government have several key responsibilities:

  • Legislative Functions: County commissions often serve as the legislative body for the county, responsible for enacting local ordinances and regulations. These ordinances can cover a wide range of issues, including zoning, land use, public safety, and taxation.
  • Budgetary Authority: County commissions typically have the authority to adopt an annual budget for the county government. This involves setting priorities for spending, allocating funds to different departments and programs, and ensuring that the budget is balanced.
  • Policy Making: County commissions play a role in setting overall policy direction for the county government. This can involve establishing goals and objectives, adopting long-term plans and strategies, and making decisions on major issues affecting the county.
  • Appointment and Oversight: County commissions often have the authority to appoint department heads, boards, and commissions responsible for various aspects of county government. They may also oversee the activities of these entities to ensure they are operating effectively and in accordance with established policies and procedures.
  • Infrastructure and Services: County commissions are typically responsible for providing or overseeing a variety of public services and infrastructure, including roads and transportation, parks and recreation, public health, and social services. They may directly operate some of these services or contract them out to other entities.
  • Representation and Advocacy: County commissioners serve as representatives of their constituents, advocating for their interests and concerns at the county level. They may also work to coordinate with other local governments, state agencies, and regional organizations to address common issues and pursue shared goals.

Overall, county commissions play a critical role in the governance and administration of counties, working to meet the needs of residents, promote economic development, and enhance the quality of life within their jurisdictions.